Monday, March 17, 2008

Best Music Video Evah!

A lot of people will say that "Thriller" is the best music video out there. Although it is very good, that's just plain BS. THIS is the best music video evah!


Lael said...

I AGREE! I have thought so since I first saw it in 1984, or thereabouts. I was in 4th grade, and I was fascinated with it. My sister owned the vinyl single, and we listened to it over and over. I also really like Paul Simon's "Call Me Al" video
but mostly because I really love the song.

This is not even close to the same genre (immigrant punk), but I'll bet you'll also enjoy this music by Gogol Bordello my dad found:

Anonymous said...

I wish I were cool enough to have a favorite video, circa 1987 pop in my head to offer up. But, at that time I was as geeky and pop-music-clueless as I am today.

This I do know, when everyone starts wearing purple, who will we credit with putting the not-so-subliminal-idea in our heads? Is it the old lady poem "When I grow old I shall wear purple..." or the weird Russian?

The Hansen Family said...

Can I just tell you that Jake is obsessed with this video? We have watched it like 50 times in the past three days and he still can't get enough of it! I think he likes the part at the very end with the really dramatic face shot. Yummo.