Thursday, May 08, 2008

Just 45 more minutes

Yesterday was a wonderfully rainy, cool, spring day. In the evening Jenn took the kids to Turner's soccer game and I went to help a friend who is building his new house.

We both got back about the same time and decided to crank up the electric blanket, bring the laptop into bed with us and watch something in bed in the electric warmth of our king-sized love sled.

I went to feed the animals and Jenn went to put the kids in bed while ours was warming up. When I came back in, the kids were in bed, the bed was warm, but Jenn was upstairs watching Lost on the big screen. She was 10 minutes into an episode. I said, "So, I have about 35 minutes or so before this ends?"

I grabbed some Star Trek and made my way downstairs. When Jenn was done she came down and asked, "So, are we going to watch Star Trek?" You know the way nearly any woman on the entire planet would ask that. That's how it was.

I responded, "No, we'll watch something we both want to see." She said, "Right now there's nothing I'd rather see than Lost."

"That's how I feel about Star Trek."

"I'll see you in 45 minutes."


Jodie said...

Love sled? Ew. I just slept in that bed last weekend! I guess that's one way of keeping me from ever visiting again...

Soozcat said...

I like Star Trek, but I know I'm a geek.

The Hansen Family said...

Long live Star Trek!!! I was, am and will always be a fan.
Don't worry about your eggs, they're safe.......... for now. :-)

Chuckleheads said...

And so ends the honeymoon period.

I'm going to borrow the term "Love Sled." Thats fantastic.

Lael said...

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.

Soozcat said...

So where are you these days, Tomot?