Thursday, June 22, 2006

Chesno Pole

When we lived in New Mexico in a gated community I petitioned the home owner's association to let me put a flag pole in my yard. They questioned:

~ Why?
~ Where?
~ How tall?
~ What colour?
~ What will it be made of?
~ What will you fly from it?
~ Why are we Commies?

etc . . .

After answering all their questions and going through the whole thing, my petition was turned down. At that point it was my mission to never let anyone (but my wife) dictate to me what I could or could not put in my yard or home. It was also when it was firmed up in my mind that I would like to be spaced a bit further from my neighbors than a 10 foot set back.

For Father's Day last Sunday I got my flag pole. I woke up early this morning and cemented in the base and tonight assembled it. Doesn't it look great? Just try telling me I can't have it there.


Soozcat said...

Go boy!

Restrictive local covenants are the pits. And what is the deal with people not wanting a FLAGPOLE on private property anyway?

Chesno Slova said...

Who knows. This is the same HOA that racked up thousands upon thousands of dollars of back fees some members wouldn't pay and didn't persue them, but if I let my yard go unweeded a couple weeks, there was warning and a fine for $25 in the mail for me.

We're talking small weeds too--pain in my butt. Good riddence to bad living.