Thursday, August 03, 2006

Chesno Sugar Tits

Since rolling out of my weekend cave on Monday and learning what took place while hiding from the world, I can't get one question out of my head.

"What are you looking at Sugar Tits?"

In case you fell off the Earth, this is what the liquored up, anti-Semitic Mel Gibson asked his female arresting officer when he was found speeding on the PCH with an open bottle of hooch in his car.

Sugar Tits? Really? How did he come up with that? It has intrigued me for days. Clearly Mel doesn't only have issues with Jews, and authority figures, he also seems to have a problem disrespecting women.

Oh, and in case you can't get that question out of your head either, someone has put it and his mug shot on a T-shirt for you to buy. Geez, it's about time.

**UPDATE** I have since been informed by my wife and sister-in-law that the name "sugar tits" isn't something Mel made up on the fly, but something they've both heard before. How has this passed me by when other, more disguisting things have been revealed to me by my Army buddies?