Friday, January 19, 2007

Am I the only one?

Here it is. The beginning of Season 6 and I feel like the only person in America (or probably Canada too for that matter), who has never watched a single "hour" of 24.

I think it may be about time I went and rented Season 1, Disc 1 to see what all the hullabaloo is about. It's okay if I get hooked. Right now I really only have one TV show I watch since I gave up CS(ex)I and CS(ex)I: Miami. That show would be The Office of course.


Soozcat said...

If you're going to get into "24," I strongly suggest renting the entire season on DVD. That way you don't have to suffer through commercial breaks, cliffhanger endings, etc.

I've said in several different forums that "24" is an excruciating show to watch. It's not like a lot of other shows, where your attention wanders and you can go make yourself some cocoa in the middle of things, or you just half-watch it out of the corner of your eye. It demands your full attention.

I am the Jo said...

I have yet to watch any of 24, so you're not alone. I can't divert any of my loyalty away from The Office.