Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Chesno Christmas 2006

Wow. Nothing about Christmas. Really? Hmmm. My favorite time of year and haven’t written a word.

That’s probably because I hate to see it go. Here it is the 10th of January. Christmas is two-and-a-half weeks in the can and I haven’t taken down my decorations yet—inside or out. I have pretty much stopped listening to Christmas music already though. That is a change as it usually plays in my car until about Valentine’s Day.

So, Christmas was great. The boy was excited like his father. A party every night from the 23rd-26th, our Swedish smorgasbord at Auntie Karin’s house, and seeing cousins, siblings, parents, in-laws, aunts, uncles, and even step-brothers and sisters. Almost couldn’t be more perfect.

We did have a change of heart though this year. It was funny because both my wife and I came upon it independently. We have spent 11 Christmases together as a married couple and not a single one of them in our own home. One year we didn’t even put up a tree (shudders). Next year (by which I mean this year), we are going to spend it at home. Not at home where we grew up. At home. Our home. We will still visit family and attend parties, and it would take another tour in Iraq to keep me from the smorgasbord, but Christmas will be in our own home this year.


Soozcat said...

You'll love your first Christmas-in-your-own-home. Suddenly you get to choose exactly what traditions you keep, what traditions you want to start, how and when to celebrate the advent of Christmas--it's great.

Chesno Slova said...

I really am looking forward to it. I thought back to us growing up and how wonderful Christmas was with our family in our own home.

Later in the day of course you guys would come over to our home or we to yours and still get together, but that early morning part was just us. Looking forward to starting those memories with the kids.