Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Christmas No More

It is Christmas no more. Last night (January 23rd), I finally took it all down. I told my wife as I was doing it, "It has been up so long, even I am ready for it come down."
This is impressive as I am a huge Christmas nut and almost can't wait for Thanksgiving to be over soon enough so I can start Christmas without being looked at as crazy for beginning it too early.
But, it had all been up too long--mostly due to the fact that since Christmas we had remodeled from the ground up (new tile, toilets, vanities and sinks/faucets, mirrors, paint, towl hooks, and paneling) two bathrooms and our mudroom, laundryroom, and other areas. We've been busy, so Christmas has stayed.
I didn't Cry The Day I Took The Tree Down yesterday, but I did think of the song as it was coming down. You can't know the song without at least humming it as you do the deed (link will download the entire 4.6mb song). By the way, no that picture is not our house, but it is a good depiction of what it looks like when Christmas is officially over.